
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Life Lately

Slowly but surely I've managed to create this blog! I have been way behind on journaling my pregnancy. So here goes nothing =)

Friday marked the start of week 19. The first weeks went by so slow but the month of August has just flown by! I am learning to have more patience when it comes to weekly milestones but it is really tough to not count the days until our baby boy will be here! Luke Ray Anderson will arrive around January 17th. He weighed about 11 ounces last week, a few ounces shy of a pound! He is healthy and growing at a great rate!


Cravings: I have been cravings lots of different foods (mostly unhealthy!)

Favorite moments: My favorite moments are feeling him move and kick. There is no better feeling in the world than knowing there is a sweet child growing inside you, I am amazed daily!

What is dad up to lately: Reggie has been working away of course. This week he moved our wood stove out of harms way, into a safer place! I'll post a picture once he is finished!

Pregnancy, good or bad: For this being my first pregnancy, I have been blessed with hardly any sickness. During the first few weeks I had mostly fatigue and some nausea. Reggie and Ty keep me busy and on the go during the weeks and weekends. I haven't had much time to slow down but now that I am getting bigger, the longer days definitely take a toll on me.

I am so excited for the next 4 months. Each week it seems that something new is happening, I wish I could note everything but its almost impossible. Sometimes I have to stop and realize how lucky we are to have such a beautiful thing happening in our lives. Ty is so excited about his brother. He is so interested in how the baby is doing, I love answering all his questions. All in all we are so excited and cant wait for the months ahead!